In the fourth quarter, the investment bank said its return on equity rose to nearly 13%. 第四季度,高盛称它的股市回报率已回升至13%左右,但仍然远低于2008年之前逾20%的水平。
But the expected real return on equity ( estimated from the dividend yield plus the expected growth of dividends) has not fallen by as much ( see charts). 但预期实际股本回报率(通过股息率和预期股息增长率估算得出)的下降幅度不如实际利率(见图表)。
The purchase highlights renewed investor interest in Japan as massive monetary stimulus drives stocks higher, the government prepares a new corporate governance code, and return on equity finally catches on as a management goal. 此次购股突显出投资者重新燃起对日本的兴趣。日本推出的大规模货币刺激正推升股价,同时日本政府正制定新的公司治理规则,且股本回报率终于被认可为一项管理目标。
It invests in stocks with a high return on equity and stable earnings growth. 它投资的是净资产收益率高、利润增长稳定的股票。
These include improving national and corporate balance sheets; rising productivity; the appreciation of Asian currencies; the technology, media and telecoms revolution; improved return on equity; and increasing flows from strategic investors. 这些因素包括国家和企业资产负债状况的不断改善;生产率的不断提高;亚洲各国货币的升值;科技、传媒和电信革命;股本回报率的上升以及战略投资者持续增加的资金流。
Goldman, with a staggering 33% return on equity last year, has the highest valuation. 去年股本收益率摇摆于33%的高盛估价最高。
For example, return on equity, a measure of efficiency and profitability, declined further in Asia during the mild downturn of 2001 than in three of the prior US recessions. 例如,与美国此前3次衰退相比,在2001年的温和低迷时期,亚洲股本回报率下滑幅度更大。股本回报率是衡量效率和盈利能力的一个指标。
But it is also possible that, as banks become safer, markets will require a lower return on equity, tempering the pressure on funding costs. 但也可能出现这种情况:随着银行变得更安全,市场要求的股本回报率降低,从而缓解了融资成本压力。
Risk management seeks to maximise risk-adjusted rates of return on equity; often, in the process, underused capital is considered "waste". 风险管理旨在实现经风险因素调整后的股本回报率最大化;通常在这一过程中,未得到充分利用的资本被视为“浪费”。
For capital to be truly indexed, return on equity must rise. 资本要真正索引,净资产收益率必须崛起。
In analyzing shares as investments, return on equity is calculated to show the return the company has made for shareholders on their investment. 在进行股权投资分析时,需要计算公司对股东的股权回报。
This is at odds with how global fund managers base their decisions-on details such as earnings per share, return on equity and the consistency and transparency of a company's operations. 这与全球基金经理的决策依据不符。他们依据的细节包括:每股盈利、股本回报率、公司业务的连贯性和透明度。
He looks for stocks that offer high and/ or rising return on equity. 他要找的是那些提供高回报和(或)股本回报率逐渐增加的股票。
That leaves better margins as banks 'main chance of raising return on equity. 这使得提高利润率成为银行业提高股本回报率(ROE)的主要机会。
As a result, the return on equity for publicly listed securities houses is at multiyear lows. 蜂拥而上的结果是,上市券商的股本回报率目前已达到多年来的低点。
Fourth, we will remove return on equity as a target for anything other than long-term performance and substitute short-term measures that more clearly adjust for the risks we take. 第四,我们将只把股本回报率作为衡量长期业绩的一项指标,对于其它任何目标,我们将用经过更明确风险调整的短期措施取而代之。
At Japanese firms the return on equity is typically half to two-thirds of that at American and European ones. 日本公司的资本回报率一般只及欧美企业的一半到三分之二。
The aggregate effect contributed about as much to post-tax return on equity last year as was lost to writedowns, and dwarfed the boost to returns from cost control and bonus cuts. 这对去年税后股本回报率的总体贡献,与减记亏损造成的拖累相当,超出了成本控制与削减奖金对回报率的贡献度。
For several years, this reckless financing enabled the company to achieve a profit margin of about a third and a return on equity of 20 per cent; when the market turned, it left bear bereft of capital and willing creditors. 几年来,这种不计后果的融资让贝尔斯登得以实现约33%的利润率和20%的股本回报率;但当市场逆转时,这种做法却让贝尔斯登失去了资本、以及愿意向其提供贷款的机构。
Another study estimated the global real return on equity in the 20th century at close to 6 per cent. 另一份研究报告估计,20世纪全球实际股本收益率接近6%。
The report, launched at the Women's Forum for the Economy& Society in Deauville, France, finds these companies do better than their sector in terms of return on equity, operating result and share price growth. 这份报告是在法国多维尔举行的女性经济与社会论坛(Women'sForumfortheEconomy&Society)上发布的。报告发现,在股权回报、运营业绩和股价增长方面,此类公司在其所在行业中表现得更好。
Investment banks 'return on equity is expected to drop substantially as a direct consequence of banks reducing their leverage under pressure from regulators. 投资银行的资本回报率预计将显著下滑,这是投资银行迫于监管机构的压力、降低杠杆比率的直接后果。